Ayah. .
Tsk tsk. .
Ni yang na start terharu ni. .
Ye. .
Aku tak berapa nak rapat dengan ayah aku. .
Tapi aku tahu beliau akan sentiasa ada untukku. .
Baru sebentar tadi ayah menelefon. .
Segala-galanya bagai datang tepat pada masanya. .
Aku tahu ayah tengah susah sekarang. .
Tapi ayah tetap buat apa yang ayah termampu untuk tolong aku. .
Kadang-kadang aku rasa bersalah pulak sebab minta tolong dari ayah walaupun itu memang tugas seorang ayah. .
Sememangnya aku terharu mempunyai seorang ayah sepertinya. .
**Adoi, bergenang pulak air mata ni**
Walaupun kami datang dari keluarga susah, tapi kami tetap berusaha untuk mencapai taraf hidup yang lebih baik. .
Ayah tak pernah abaikan pelajaran aku dan adik-adik. .
Masalah kewangan bukan pengahalang pada kami untuk tidak terus belajar. .
Ayah. .
Untuk ketika ini, aku akan cuba berikan kejayaan kepadamu. .
Kerana hanya itulah yang mampu aku lakukan saat ini. .
Nanti, bila aku dah bekerjaya, bolehlah ayah dan ibu hidup senang. .
Tu lah impian aku. .
Kesenangan untuk kedua-dua orang tua ku. .
Tuesday, 31 January 2012
Sunday, 29 January 2012
HAKA ~Hari Antara Kau Aku~
Yeah. .
Bagi budak2 asasi UiTM, HAKA membawa maksud **Hari Anugerah Kecemerlangan Asasi**
Tapi tidak dari pandangan peribadi aku. .
Hari-hari tersebut merupakan hari aku dan kau. .
Siapakah kau? ?
Kau ialah kawan-kawanku yang merangkap rakan sekelasku. .
**Rasanya dah banyak kali post aku pasal kelas aku je kan**
Peduli pulak aku. .
Dah blog aku, takkan nak cerita pasal kelas orang lain pulak, ye tak?
Hari ni ialah hari rasmi penutupan program HAKA bagi mereka. .
Tapi bagi aku, HAKA tak pernah berakhir. .
Segalanya tersemat di sini. .
Nampak tak kat mana??
Di sini haa~!!
Dah nampak kan sekarang. .?
So diam. .~!!
Saat orang dah habis post pasal program ni dalam blog masing-masing, aku je lah yang baru nak update blog pasal ni. .
Nak tao sebab apa? ?
Sebab aku berpegang pada prinsip . . "I save the best for the last"
So, this is it. .
Aku memang sengaja nak tunggu sampai majlis penutup baru nak post pasal ni. . .
Nak bagi kawan aku nangis terharu kaw-kaw punya~!!
HAHA *just kidding**
Sebelum aku letak gambar-gambar menarik, biar aku buat ucapan dulu. .
Semestinya aku akan bermadah kata mengenai . . . . . .
Aku sebagai Kapten nak ucapkan tahniah dan terima kasih kat korang semua**pemain** atas semangat, kerjasama dan sokongan korang. .
Sejujurnya. aku bangga sangat dengan korang. .
Ingat tak first match kita friendly. .?
Ya, kita kalah masa tu. .
Dan aku amat sedih sebab aku rasa aku tak layak jadi Kapten korang masa tu. .
Tapi korang tetap tabah dan sabar layan karenah aku, tetap support aku, serius aku terharu~!!
**Aku dah mula rasa sebak ni**
Aku excited sangat setiap kali kita ada latihan bersama sebab aku rasa masa-masa ni je lah kita dapat habiskan waktu bersama, mencipta kenangan. .
Aku smart tag, terus cakap pasal final. .
First game, kita menang. .
Aku nampak raut kegembiraan di wajah korang. .
Saat tu, aku pun turut gembira. .
Game kedua, kita kalah, begitu juga game ketiga dan menyebabkan kita tidak layak ke semi-final. .
Saat tu aku amat sedih. .
Bukan kerana kita tidak dapat ke final, tapi sebab korang yang kelihatan amat sedih. .
Aku tahan je masa tu. .
Okay, sekarang saat aku nak mulakan personal attack. .
First, to Farah Nadia. .
Sesungguhnya aku bersedih saat kau bersedih. .
Tengok ekspresi kau masa kita kalah dan masa orang lain dapat pingat. .
Aku paham perasaan tu. .
Tapi aku tak nak sedih depan kau sebab aku tak nak sedih kau bertambah parah. .
FYI, kau merupakan shooter terbaik di mata aku. .
Dah tak perlu kau fikirkan orang lain. .
Kau dah buat semampu kau, kaulah yang terbaik. .
Aku bangga dengan kau, Naib Kapten. .
Kau orang yang selalu tepati masa time latihan. .
Aku nampak semangat kau di situ. .
Farah. . . .
Jangan lah sedih lagi tau, aku sayng kau. .~!!
Kau dah menang di mata aku. .
Stay strong, okayy??
Then to Nur Shahirah, Mawaddah Munirah, Halimatun Saadiah . **Sorry kalau salah ejaan***
**Sorry tak ada pic Matun**
Korang dah banyak injured even sebelum the real match. .
Mostly Shira~!
Aku bangga dengan semangat korang yang amat tinngi untuk tetap bermain pada hari tu. .
Aku minta maaf kalau aku dah buat korang melakukan sesuatu yang korang tak suka. .
Ataupun dah seksa korang. .
Sorry guys. .
Next, to my aggressive wall and her friends, Nur Saufiah, Siti Aisyah dan Umi Nadhira. *Again, sorry kalau salah eja**
Soso semestinya amat bersenmangat. .
Dan Umy yang agak blur. .
Ecah Si Pembuli . . *HAHA*
Maaf kalau aku tak train korang dengan baik. .
Maaf kalau korang tak dapat rasa bahang permainan sebenar, terutama Umy, sebab dapat masuk sekejap je untuk bermain. .
Sorry sangat-sangat. .
Tapi, pape pun aku sayang korang jugak sebab semangat korang ada bersama aku~!
Hell yeah Baby~!!
Last but not least, kepada pemain serba boleh, Nur Fatin Najihah dan Thohhira Akhter. .
Korang boleh main wall dan pertahanan dengan baik, terutama Ogy. .
To Thea, jangan sedih sangat dan rasa bersalah sebab kita kalah. .
Tak semua orang sempurna kan?
Pape pun, kekalkan lah senyuman di wajah korang seperti gambar di atas. .
Baru lah hidup ceria dan bermakna, okayy ?
And not to forget. .
Orang paling banyak main pernan. .
Semestinya manager kami, Nur Syamimi. .
Kau lah manager terbaik dan tercekap yang aku penah jumpa. .
Amat prihatin. .
Sayang kau sebab jaga kitorang semua macam family kau. .
I love you lah. .
p/s: to my instant keeper Rabiatul Athirah, I'm so glad to have you in our team. .
Love you too dear. . (Y)
**Sorry tak ada pic u lah dalam fon I**
To Muhammad Naim Bin Fital
Jurulatih yang amat aku sayangi dan hormati dan sanjungi dan . . . . . i
**Perasan tak font untuk kau special?**
Aku rasa amat terhutang budi + bersalah dengan kau. .
Sebab terhutang budi:-
Kau tahan je dengan karenah mengada aku, keyakinan diri yang rendah dan segala ragam dari aku. .
Rasa bersalah kerana:-
Terpaksa melatih aku dan yang lain di saat kau mengahadapi kesedihan, dugaan dan cabaran yang amat besar dalam hidup kau. .
Maaf sebab tak dapat bawak kumpulan kita ke final. .
Aku harap kau tak rasa pengorbanan kau sia-sia kerana ianya amat bermakna buat aku. .
Maaf sekali lagi kerana hancurkan harapan kau. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
p/s: to my instant keeper Rabiatul Athirah, I'm so glad to have you in our team. .
Love you too dear. . (Y)
**Sorry tak ada pic u lah dalam fon I**
To Muhammad Naim Bin Fital
Jurulatih yang amat aku sayangi dan hormati dan sanjungi dan . . . . . i
**Perasan tak font untuk kau special?**
Aku rasa amat terhutang budi + bersalah dengan kau. .
Sebab terhutang budi:-
Kau tahan je dengan karenah mengada aku, keyakinan diri yang rendah dan segala ragam dari aku. .
Rasa bersalah kerana:-
Terpaksa melatih aku dan yang lain di saat kau mengahadapi kesedihan, dugaan dan cabaran yang amat besar dalam hidup kau. .
Maaf sebab tak dapat bawak kumpulan kita ke final. .
Aku harap kau tak rasa pengorbanan kau sia-sia kerana ianya amat bermakna buat aku. .
Maaf sekali lagi kerana hancurkan harapan kau. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jadi, inilah antara orang yang terpenting dalam saat ini. .
Not to say yang lain tak penting, tapi ramai sangat sampai takut ta muat nanti kang. .
Oleh itu, gambar sebagai ganti, okay??
Today I supposedly to have a date. .
But I don't know why I felt so uneasy about it. .
I never felt like this before even at my first time met with them. .
But I myself don't know why I'm feeling this way . .
And what make me more afraid about meeting him was, he totally disagreed about me bring along my friend with me to him. .
Plus he wanted to give me something. .
Something branded and expensive to me. .
How could he being just so nice, right?
Because of that, I insisted to bring along my friend. .
And when I'm arrived at the place where we both agreed to met, I called him and told him I'm with my friend.
Guess what~?!?
He was like already arrived at that place and just go without meeting me because of my friend. .
He was totally angry at that time. .
I myself do not understand why. .
Neither my friend. .
I was totally angry at that time. .
My mind start flying elsewhere from my state mind. .
Was he planning something bad to me??
My instinct always right. .
Maybe this is a gift from Allah to me. .
Alhamdulillah, nothing happened. .
There must be a silver lining behind this. .
I just can thank Allah for everything. .
I shall stop here. .
Till then, Farewell. . ~
Biar mimpi Sampai Ke Bintang. .
Aku baru je habis tengok cerita tu tadi. .
Thanks to Syira Shahira for the movie. .
Kalau tak sebab dia, tak dapat lah aku tengok cerita yang menyentuh hati aku ini. .
**penggunaan personifikasi di situ ya**
Ya. .
Cerita ini hampir buat aku menangis sebenarnya. .
Kerana. . . .
Aku turut teringat peristiwa yang menyebabkan aku menangis saat heroin dalam cerita ini juga menangis. .
Ingin ku jadikan kau bintang hatiku. .
Dan langit cerah yang menemanimu. .
Agar tanah ku berpijak tetap kukuh menemani. .
Dan langit cerah yang menemanimu. .
Agar tanah ku berpijak tetap kukuh menemani. .
Ayat di atas merupakan salah satu status update aku di FB setelah menonton cerita ni. .
Sejujurnya, aku teringat kat seseorang pada saat ini. .
Tapi apakan daya, dia tidak lagi berada di sisiku. .
Niat hati berkenaan dengan dia aku tolak keras-keras sebab aku nak kejar impian aku, nak banggakan kedua-dua ibu bapa aku, dan aku tak nak bersedih lagi. .
Jadi, untuk saat ini, biarlah ibu dan ayahku bintang hatiku. .
Adik beradikku dan ahli keluarga lain sebagai langit yang sentiasa cerah. .
Serta rakan-rakanku sebagai tanah yang kukuh menemani ku saat aku berpijak mendongak ke bintang dan langit. .
Dalam maksudnya ni. .
Kalau orang yang berfikiran cetek, dia mungkin akan tersalah faham dengan maksud yang aku cuba sampaikan. .
Tapi tak mengapa, aku yakin ada yang mengerti. .
Oleh itu, biarlah mimpi ku kekal bersama bintang. .
Dan aku berharap. . . .
Bintang itu tidak aku rosakkan. .
Langit tidak mendung disebabkan aku. .
Serta tanah tidak kan retak kerana aku. . .
Cukuplah coretan hati disebabkan cerita berhenti di sini. .
Sampai jumpa lagi. . .
Assalamualaikum. . . .
Saturday, 28 January 2012
Thanks for the Memories. . .
Dear my classmates. .
You've got a large place at my heart. .
For all the Triumph and Disaster, we manage to handle it well. .
To my handball players. . .
First of all, I would like to apologize for not being a good Captain. .
To Naim the coach. . .
Sorry cause we didn't make u happy + proud. .
But one thing for sure, I really enjoy the game with all of you. .
I felt that we're already like siblings. .
Stick together no matter what happen. .
I'm proud to have such great and wonderful brothers and sisters like all of you. .
I love all of you truly from the bottom of my heart. .
Thinking that we only have about two more months left for us, my tears start flowing from my eyes.
So, never waste the time we have and lets create our memory together as much as we can. .
I will never forget all of you. .
And one thing for sure, you'll be placed in a special place in my heart. .
Thanks for the memories, guys. . . .
I shall stop here. .
Till then, Farewell. . ~
Friday, 27 January 2012
I am So Sorry. ~!!
First of all, I myself don't know why I felt this way. .
I just want to say sorry to everyone. .
My parents, my friends and everybody who know me. .
I am sorry guys for all the mistakes I've ever done toward all of you. .
Sorry for troubling you with my problem. .
Sorry cause I can't granted your wish. .
Sorry I can't help you. .
Sorry I can't be a good friend of yours. .
Sorry cause always ask your help. .
Sorry that I've scold you. .
Sorry if I hurt you and your feelings. .
Sorry for not being there when you need me the most. .
Sorry cause not to remember you all the time. .
The main point here. . .
Feeling like crying right now when I'm thinking about it. .
Just hope that you guys can forgive me for all wrongdoings of me. .
I shall stop here. .
Till then, Farewell. .
Thursday, 26 January 2012
Dark And Lights. . .
There is one time when you ever feel alone.
And that feeling somehow accompany by sorrow and dark.
Then, we'll lost in the dark all by ourselves.
We're even trying to search for the right light which will help us out from those dark time.
Searching for it all over the places but that light doesn't show up.
But then, the light came when the feeling of giving up everything was near.
That light will finally bring out the darkness which have been staying for so long in the heart.
That light also led to the brighter path.
Light which will open up the mind, the heart.
Believe and hold onto those beliefs and never ever have even a slight doubt about it.
Cause it is the only thing left to lean on with.
That beliefs will guarantee a brighter future and a better person with a lighted heart.
So, to my light. . .
Please bring me with you cause I'm lost right now. . . .
Wednesday, 25 January 2012
This Is Me. . .
Hi all. .
Yea, this is me. .
I'm gonna tell bout me. .
I knew there are a lot of people hate or feel like so damn fed up with me. .
No matter in what aspects. .
It might be the way I dress up myself, my behavior and etc. .
As long as I'm not disturbing you and bother others, I'll be fine with it. .
Fine if you said that your eyes hurting when look at me. .
Did you ever think I was like damn hell love the way you dressed????
Its not like I'm not wearing a decent attire that it hurts your eyes so much. .
Well, I can say that it is my right to try something new in "designing" myself with fashion. .
I knew that you know EVERYTHING about fashion but that doesn't give you the rights to judge others in a way of criticism. .
Why don't you just give a nice advice, can't you?
Being like this don't necessarily mean you have to be like . . . .
. . . . .THIS~!!!!
Just please be nicer towards others. .
I don't mind if you want to spread all over the world about my bad cause I'm already used to it. .
I've been through a lot of things and make me who I am now. .
And right now, I'm trying to stick with one promise which I made to myself. .
I want to stay single at least till I finish my foundation. .
Keep my feeling away from falling to guys right now. .
It is hard, but I want to stay cool. .
So my heart, please be nice to me. .
And those feeling of falling in love, just stay away~!!
So guys. .
This is me right now. .
I wanna stay on this state of the "cool" me . .
Okay guys, we shall meet again later. .
Till then, Farewell. . ~^^
Konflik Dalaman. . .
Assalamualaikum. .
Hai. .
Ye, aku sedang berhadapan dengan satu konflik. .
Konflik yang tidak melibatkan orang lain melainkan diriku sendiri. .
Sebuah konflik berkaitan agama. .
Aku sentiasa berhadapan dengan konflik ni tanpa mengira masa. .
Aku kerap kali teringin berubah menjadi seorang muslimah yang lebih baik, yang dipandang mulia. .
Tapi kenapa aku masih tak berubah walaupun kesedaran itu telah wujud dalam diri ini. .
Mungkinkah kerana syaitan yang menjadi penghalang. .?
Atau kerana hati dan mindaku masih tidak bersedia. .?
Aku tahu aku lemah. .
Iman ku tidak cukup mantap lagi. .
Kekadang hatiku meronta ingin berubah tetapi jasadku kaku begitu sahaja. .
aku terduduk, terdiam. .
Bingung seketika. .
Mengapa begini. .? ?
Ya Allah, kau sinarkanlah hati hambaMu yang hina ini dengan hidayahMu agar mudah perjalanan hidupnya. .
Wanita. . . .
Seorang Muslimah. .
Muslimah yang mukmin. .
Aku yakin itu pastinya menjadi dambaan setiap wanita beragama di luar sana. .
Siapa sahaja yang tidak mahu menjadi seorang Muslimah sejati yang solehah dan mukmin. .?
Bukankah itu merupakan satu pakej lengkap bagi peribadi seorang wanita. .?
Tapi aku masih jauh dari tahap itu. .
Jalanku masih panjang. .
Akanku tapak perlahan-lahan hingga capai ke destinasi impian. .
Jangan Kau putuskan harapan dan semangat hambaMu ini Ya Allah. .
Aku mengaku, sesungghnya aku cemburu pada mereka yang kuat peribadinya. .
Aku cemburu pada ciptaanMu Ya Allah. . . . . .
Semoga aku menjadi salah seorang seperti mereka yang kuat iman nya terhadapMu. .
Insya-Allah. . .
Hai. .
Ye, aku sedang berhadapan dengan satu konflik. .
Konflik yang tidak melibatkan orang lain melainkan diriku sendiri. .
Sebuah konflik berkaitan agama. .
Aku sentiasa berhadapan dengan konflik ni tanpa mengira masa. .
Aku kerap kali teringin berubah menjadi seorang muslimah yang lebih baik, yang dipandang mulia. .
Tapi kenapa aku masih tak berubah walaupun kesedaran itu telah wujud dalam diri ini. .
Mungkinkah kerana syaitan yang menjadi penghalang. .?
Atau kerana hati dan mindaku masih tidak bersedia. .?
Aku tahu aku lemah. .
Iman ku tidak cukup mantap lagi. .
Kekadang hatiku meronta ingin berubah tetapi jasadku kaku begitu sahaja. .
aku terduduk, terdiam. .
Bingung seketika. .
Mengapa begini. .? ?
Ya Allah, kau sinarkanlah hati hambaMu yang hina ini dengan hidayahMu agar mudah perjalanan hidupnya. .
Wanita. . . .
Seorang Muslimah. .
Muslimah yang mukmin. .
Aku yakin itu pastinya menjadi dambaan setiap wanita beragama di luar sana. .
Siapa sahaja yang tidak mahu menjadi seorang Muslimah sejati yang solehah dan mukmin. .?
Bukankah itu merupakan satu pakej lengkap bagi peribadi seorang wanita. .?
Tapi aku masih jauh dari tahap itu. .
Jalanku masih panjang. .
Akanku tapak perlahan-lahan hingga capai ke destinasi impian. .
Jangan Kau putuskan harapan dan semangat hambaMu ini Ya Allah. .
Aku mengaku, sesungghnya aku cemburu pada mereka yang kuat peribadinya. .
Aku cemburu pada ciptaanMu Ya Allah. . . . . .
Semoga aku menjadi salah seorang seperti mereka yang kuat iman nya terhadapMu. .
Insya-Allah. . .
**Moga aku menjadi wanita solehah**
**Moga peribadiku juga sempurna pada pandanganMu**
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
I'm Back With. . . . .
Alhamdulillah. .
I am finally back online. .
Four days without internet connection connected to my laptop, I felt like *@#$*%&~!!!!
Okay fine. .
Before I start telling what happened this past few days, I'm gonna complain about something. .
My FB have gone crazy~!!!!
I can't check my messages. .
And I also can't stop a chat with a person cause another chatbox will appear with the same name. .
Right now, I've got a lot of things to tell you guys. .
But I think I'll just pick and mix everything. . .
Okay, first of all I'm gonna tell you guys about others perception on me. .
On my weight~!!
I just arrived on my aunt's house at Kajang last Friday and my cousin said that I look thinner. .?
Like, seriously. . ??
I laugh inside but stay cool outside. .
But ever since he told me that, my appetite increased as the day passed. .
I love chicken meat~!!
Out of sudden. .
I myself don't know why. .
I felt like one of the character in the cartoon "Upin Ipin" . .
Sigh. .
Then I followed them to Malacca. .
We had an awesome vacation there!!
I've met the beach and sea again. .
How I miss them since my last trip to Air Papan, Mersing. .
The place we've had an awesome vacation is in Impiana Chalet, Pengkalan Balak. .
There is a picture. .
Take a look at it~!
I wasn't in the picture cause I'm the one who took this picture. .
But nevermind. .
My pictures were a lot in my cousin's camera. .
Well, I enjoyed playing in the sea till my toe hurt by the coral reef. .
I guess it is. .
It hurt till now. .
Actually there were a lot of things happened for these past few days till I can't remember them correctly. .
Sigh. .
But, I've a lot of joy. .
But as I was reaching to Shah Alam just now, my heart said. .
"It would be nice if I do not have to come back here. . ."
I just don't know why my heart would say something like that. .
It might be caused of I'm missing my family, especially my Mom so damn much. .
I just hope that the feeling of "don't want to come back" just go away for now as I need to concentrate on my study. .
Just a couple months more then I'll leave here. .
Dear heart, just keep waiting patiently, okay??
Then, I shall stop here and get back to my works. .
Till then, Farewell. .
I am finally back online. .
Four days without internet connection connected to my laptop, I felt like *@#$*%&~!!!!
Okay fine. .
Before I start telling what happened this past few days, I'm gonna complain about something. .
My FB have gone crazy~!!!!
I can't check my messages. .
And I also can't stop a chat with a person cause another chatbox will appear with the same name. .
Right now, I've got a lot of things to tell you guys. .
But I think I'll just pick and mix everything. . .
Okay, first of all I'm gonna tell you guys about others perception on me. .
On my weight~!!
I just arrived on my aunt's house at Kajang last Friday and my cousin said that I look thinner. .?
Like, seriously. . ??
I laugh inside but stay cool outside. .
But ever since he told me that, my appetite increased as the day passed. .
I love chicken meat~!!
Out of sudden. .
I myself don't know why. .
I felt like one of the character in the cartoon "Upin Ipin" . .
Sigh. .
Then I followed them to Malacca. .
We had an awesome vacation there!!
I've met the beach and sea again. .
How I miss them since my last trip to Air Papan, Mersing. .
The place we've had an awesome vacation is in Impiana Chalet, Pengkalan Balak. .
There is a picture. .
Take a look at it~!
I wasn't in the picture cause I'm the one who took this picture. .
But nevermind. .
My pictures were a lot in my cousin's camera. .
Well, I enjoyed playing in the sea till my toe hurt by the coral reef. .
I guess it is. .
It hurt till now. .
Actually there were a lot of things happened for these past few days till I can't remember them correctly. .
Sigh. .
But, I've a lot of joy. .
But as I was reaching to Shah Alam just now, my heart said. .
"It would be nice if I do not have to come back here. . ."
I just don't know why my heart would say something like that. .
It might be caused of I'm missing my family, especially my Mom so damn much. .
I just hope that the feeling of "don't want to come back" just go away for now as I need to concentrate on my study. .
Just a couple months more then I'll leave here. .
Dear heart, just keep waiting patiently, okay??
Then, I shall stop here and get back to my works. .
Till then, Farewell. .
Thursday, 19 January 2012
A Great Dinner With Classmates. .
That is the one word that match perfectly with my classmates. .
For those who were present in today's hang out, you all were awesome~!!
There is a saying on a picture worth thousand words . .
Then I shall use pictures to describe my happiness and "speak" on my behalf. .
Not to forget, thanks to one of my classmates who are generously paid for our dinner tonight. .
He is Muhd Aizat Bin Fakri . .
**Sorry if there is spelling mistake on his name**
And my classmates are. . . . .
Naim, Azman, Syira, Shazmi, Soso, Ogy, Farah Nadia, Fara Waheeda, Aizat, Mawa, Nik, Azlan, Abhar, Azri, Wahab, Yusrin, Diba, Mimie, Thea, Zati, Ecah, and Dini . .
I think I've listed all of them. .
Correct me if I'm wrong. .
Now, picture "speaking" session. .
That is the one word that match perfectly with my classmates. .
For those who were present in today's hang out, you all were awesome~!!
There is a saying on a picture worth thousand words . .
Then I shall use pictures to describe my happiness and "speak" on my behalf. .
Not to forget, thanks to one of my classmates who are generously paid for our dinner tonight. .
He is Muhd Aizat Bin Fakri . .
**Sorry if there is spelling mistake on his name**
And my classmates are. . . . .
Naim, Azman, Syira, Shazmi, Soso, Ogy, Farah Nadia, Fara Waheeda, Aizat, Mawa, Nik, Azlan, Abhar, Azri, Wahab, Yusrin, Diba, Mimie, Thea, Zati, Ecah, and Dini . .
I think I've listed all of them. .
Correct me if I'm wrong. .
Now, picture "speaking" session. .
**Guys in the bus; just realize that Naim made fun of me~!**
**Look at him friends**
**Girly guy in our class**
**awww~! So sweet**
**Unique style of eating Ayam Penyet**
**The ladies of the class**
**Candid guys**
**Azlan and Me**
**lets eat**
**Debate practicing??**
**I'll scratch you~! LOL**
**Me and Azman**
Okay guys. .
I think thats all for this entry. .
I shall now stop here and searching article for my assignment. .
Till then, Farewell..~
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