Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Little Things. .~

Hi and assalamualaikum all. .
Been quite a while since my last update. .
Now, been busy with work. .
I am a promoter at Parkson no. .
But only for this one month, doing part time job while waiting for the next semester. .
Life in this earth do in need of lots of money usage. .
So here I am, working on it. .
Oh how I miss updating my blog. .
Been thinking bout a lot of things these past few days, but I just didn't have enough time to make in into this blog of mine. .
So, here I am again, to write bout those little things I've been thinking, dreaming, observing and experiencing.
First little thing, it's about my "love life". .
Funny and scared me at the same time whenever I'm thinking bout this. .
Last two days, someone I knew for quite a long time said this to me, "I want you. To be my soulmate."
His words make me smile somehow.
In my reply, I ask him to meet my parents and his answer make me smile even more.
It's not that he will now go and see my parents, but his answer do please me.
He kinda have those criteria I've been looking on for a guy.
Tall, not so damn handsome but sweet enough, not smoking, he has the letters Z and R in his name, and etc, which is the common thing every girl been wanting on a guy to have it.
Enough bout him and go forward to another "him".
Last night, he is also someone I knew for quite some times ask me to  get married.
And this is serious thing as he started to ask my home address and he is almost 10 years older than me!
And I believe he's being serious as I know he is looking for someone now.
Oh man, this is really scare me.
I want to get married, but thinking of it, those responsibilities I will have as a wife, do I really ready for it?
And something just pop up in my mind.
I was like, "I rather take the other one than him."
And I, myself, don't even know why I am thinking bout this!
They have similarities: both of them are from the same state, which is Kedah.
This is really give me a headache.
I should add LOVE in my list of "those which make me stress"
Now, there are three thing which make me stress whenever I have a deep thought about it; LOVE, MONEY and My CGPA in exam! ! !
Okay, I'm exaggerating. HAHA!

To the second little thing.
Me as a daughter to my parents, as sister to my other six sisters, as a slave to my Creator and as a student to myself. .
Have I done enough?
Sometimes, I hate being the eldest sister! ! !
I will always have to give in with my other sisters. . !
And why this type of rule have to exist! ?!
Rules are made to be broken!
And I will do so!
Argggh! Suddenly not in a good mood after what my youngest sister did to me?
What ? Saying I'm being unfair and childish ? ?
So what ? ? ? ? !
Let me calm down first, and I'll continue on later. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Okay DONE !
I am calmer now. .
I actually stopped for like three hours. .
Now, time to continue with my little things. .
Still on the second little things. .
Me as a daughter, I done so damn little towards my parents.
I have those big dreams on making them happy, but. . .
Yeah, me myself is the problem. .
I may sometime be too lazy to even do the chores. .
Sigh. .
But still, I am trying my hard to please them. .
As a sister, I still have this feeling of wanting to be pampered by my parents. .
Am I a good sister to them. . ?
I never knew. .
Sometime, I feel like I don't even know them for real, and this made my tears run down my cheeks . .
I want to teach them in maths, tell them good advices, be there for them if they had trouble. .
But what can I do and what is actually I am doing.
It's nothing. .!
I can't even be there to comfort them when they're crying. .
Sometimes, I can only cry with them too, not right besides them, but far from everyone sight. .
Thinking of all this make me summarize myself that actually I am good at nothing!
Even more to my Creator. .
I've sinned a lot!
I will always have the fight within myself. .
I will always have the thought of doing something bad to me. .
But then, I re-think. .
I read something which said, "If you don't believe in your ability to achieve your goal, believe in Allah ability to help you."
This attracted me. .
I do pray that Allah will always help me stray from those bad things I am thinking I'm doing. .
O Allah, do help me, guide me to always be in your path.
And last thing about this second little things is toward myself.
Have I done enough for me ?
Have I cherish myself and pamper myself enough ?
To me, I am sorry for not taking a good care of your body, for not keeping my words on changing to be a better person.
I really hope you won't hate me.

To the third little thing or might be as well the last little thing.
Am I a good friend to all my friends. .?
Did I help them while they were in need of something ?
Did I comfort them if they ask me to do so ?
Did I help to solve their problem ?
Did I do all the things a friend need to do to my friends ? ?
I don't care how they treat me, let them be. .
But I'll try to be a good friend. .
Thou they were only looking for me while they in need of something, while they have problems, while they want to borrow something. .
I will help them. .
Even I am always alone in everything I face without friends.
I don't have any good friends or best friends whatsoever.
I only have my Mom, Family and Allah.
I don't have a real friend who talk to me and advice me like a real friend. .
Pathetic isn't it. .?
And this made me cry, too. .

Sum up all those little things I mention before, it made up to one BIG little things.
I am a dim star surrounded by those shiny stars in the sky.
People see those shiny star but not me.
Those shiny stars may seem near to me, but the fact is, they are not.

And now, I will just keep trying hard.
Till then, Farewell. .~

Friday, 11 January 2013

Bebas ?!

Hai dan assalamualaikum semua. .
Akhirnya! Saya dah bebas dari belengu peperiksaan akhir. .
Wehee~ ~ ~ ~!
Bertarikh 10 Januari 2013, jam 9.30 malam, tamatlah kertas terakhir peperiksaan. .
Baru lah boleh sambut new year kan ?
Selamat tahun baru semua. . !
Terlambat? Takpe kan ?
Oh ya. .
Ada dua perkara nak diceritakan kat entri kali ni. .
Haaaa~ !
Dua-dua memberi tanda tanya kan ?
*kalau tak, cepat letak. . !*
Nak cerita pasal stalker dulu. .
Haaa, bagi yang selalu baca blog saya ni, mesti la tahu apa kata alu-aluannya kan ?
Tapi tak sangka lah sampai ada yang nak stalk gila-gila sampai buat assumption bukan-bukan. .
Tension kita dibuatnya. .
Terus hilang mood nak study semalam tau. .
Dan harini pula, satu kejadian yang tak terduga berlaku. .
Jatuh tangga. .
Okay, malas nak cerita detai sebab takut orang ingat saya mengada-ngada. .
Saya jatuh tangga sebelum jawab exam. .
Oh, perasaan itu,. .
Tapi Allah bagi kekuatan kat saya dengan tunjukkan ada orang lain yang lebih teruk keadaan kakinya yang sama-sama nak ambil exam time tu. .
Saya bersyukur. .
Dan bersyukur lagi kerana dikurniakan kawan-kawan yang baik. .
Walaupun berbeza agama dan bangsa, atas nama kawan, dia tolong saya. .
Saya terharu sangat! ! ! !
Sampai nak nangis dah ni. .
Setiap perjalanan, kalau terlampau mudah dilalui, mungkin ia juga akan terlalu mudah untuk dilupai. .
Sebab tu perlunya ada kejadian-kejadian sebegini untuk membuat kita lebih celik mata dengan dunia sekarang. .
Sem ni mengajar saya sangat banyak benda. .
Okay lah, sampai sini dulu. .
Wassalam. . .~

*Not everyone can look through the pain behind a smile*

Monday, 7 January 2013

Mont Kiara + Chow Kit + Pavi + Times Square + Renoma Cafe Gallery~

Hello dan assalamualaikum warahmatullahiwabarakatuh. . ~
Hew. .~ !
Tersangat penat sebenarnya saat ini, tapi saya gigihkan jua diri ini untuk mengemaskini blog saya. .
Tengok tajuk pun korang dah boleh agak kan cerita ni pasal apa ?
Yes ~!
Perjalanan yang sangat panjaaaaaaanggg~ !
Okay, dan si dia tergelak besar saat dengar ayat ni. .
Sejak dah belajar Bahasa Melayu Tinggi (BMT) ni, makin menjadi-jadi ayat BM saya. .
Baiklah, saya nak cerita daripada awal akan setiap detik yang masih terlekat lagi dalam fikiran ni. .
Izinkan saya. .~
Ecehh. . ~
Saya bangun lebih kurang jam 11 pagi angkara tidur jam 3 pagi ++ . .
Okay, ini perkara biasa. .
Tak lama lepas bangun dapat call, okay, nombor tak kenal. .
Sekali dengar suara terus cam. .
Ya, dia adalah Wahab Jumrah, kawan baik sejak dari asasi. .
Kami memang rapat dan dia sangat baik. .
Dia kalau call memang takde kerja lain, nak ajak keluar lah ni. .
Dan tekaan saya tepat. .
Tapi hal ni sebenarnya menimbulkan confusion di mana saya sebenarnya ada janji nak keluar dengan senior pada hari yang sama, tapi tak confirm. .
Setelah mandi dan bersiap, dengan mengikut kata hati, buat keputusan untuk keluar dengan wahab. .
Dan itu adalah keputusan yang betul! (walau jalannya menyeksakan. =__=)
*Kepala pening. Mungkin kerana terlalu lama berjalan. Adeh*
Asalnya, ingat nak lepak Plaza Mont Kiara yang diwar-war kan best oleh kawan wahab tu. .
Sampai sana, hampeh. .=__+
Then, pergi 1 Mont Kiara pulak (depan je), pergi makan.
Sebab tak ada benda yang best, dia ajak aku ke Jalan Kiara 3 or Sri Hartamas. (tak sure).
Tapi dah sampai sana, setelah jalan sejauh 650m(mengikut google maps) kedai yang ada kawan dia tu tutup dan kami hanya ke 7Eleven.
*Sangat sakit hati + sakit kaki + kepenatan time ni*
Dan candangan seterusnya ialah, "marilah kita ke Chow Kit" .
And I was like, "WHAT???!"
Nak tak nak pergi jugak, naik bas. .
Okay, bas dipenuhi ramai "foreigner" . .
Ada satu babak memalukan bila wahab tetiba cakap Indon and mamat indon kat depan kitorang menoleh kebelakang. .
Muahahaha! Gelak besar dalam diam kitorang time tu.
Dan tetiba terbegaduh pasal pertikaian mengenai usaha yang patut dilakukan lelaki kalau dia sukakan seorang perempuan. .
HAHA ! Dalam bas tu kecoh dengan suara kitorang je. .
*Situasi biasa kalau keluar dengan Wahab*
Then, sampai lah ke Chow Kit.
Okay, saya terus geleng kepala kata tamao pergi sana. .
Jadi, kami meneruskan perjalanan ke Pavilion.
Dia ajak lepak kedai-kedai mahal je, starbucks lah, apa lah. .
*Penat layan Wahab ni*
saya tak suka lepak Pavi, lagipun pakai t-shirt dengan jeans je kot keluar tadi, agak segan.
So, saya ajak lah dia ke Tims Square. .
As expected, "Ni bukan tempat aku" katanya. .
Tapi, inilah tempat saya. .
Kat sini, kitorang pergi karoke. .
Okay, sangat gila kalau karoke dengan dia ni sebab pilihan lagu dia sangat pelik-pelik. .
Tension sebab dia nyanyi macam tengah buat gig concert je. .
Dan ini gambar kami. . ~^^
*time makan di Plaza Mont Kiara dan karoke di Neway TS*

Si dia ni sangat beria nak ke Renoma Cafe tu. .
Selepas siap solat maghrib semua dia suruh saya buat keputusan. .
Di samping nak jaga hati dia, teringin lah jugak kan. .
Perjalanan sejauh 1.8km(mengikut google maps) sangat memenatkan. .
Di tengah-tengah perjalanan dia bagitahu, "tempat ni tema dia Casual Dino" . .
And I was like, "YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!!!!"
Dia ni sangat suka buat hal yang boleh bagi orang heart attack~!
Dia suruh belajar buat muka berlagak kaya, haha!
Ini sangat lawak. .
Pakai t-shirt nak buat muka berlagak kaya konon-konon datang dari hotel. .
Masuk-masuk je perkarangan cafe tu dah nampak kereta Audi. .
To be honest, tempat tu memang sangat classy dan romantik~!
Best weh kalau pasangan pergi sana untuk menikmati dinner. .
Sampai sana, ada waitress or waiter (sebab rambut macam lelaki tapi suara perempuan) ni tanya, dari mana ni?
Wahab dengan yakinnya menjawab dari hotel apa entah. .
Saya hanya mampu menahan gelak. .
Dan sesungguhnya, wahab sangat terkenal dalam daya kelentong orang dengan sangat confident. . !
Ni antara gambar yang dah di-compile-kan semasa di Renoma Cafe Gallery. .~

Makanan di-order oleh dia sebab saya tatao nak order apa. .
Mengikut Wahab, ini adalah second outlet. (pertama di France)
Ada satu kejadian yang agak pelik+sweet terjadi kat sini. .
Mungkin saya tak patut cerita. .
Takut timbul kontroversi. .
Tapi saya rasa dia memang macam tu dengan sesiapa pun. .
So, no biggie. .~
Lepas dah habis makan, dia buat pulak revisi cepat dan dia paksa saya jadi pendengar. .
Kalaulah dia tahu sebab saya menolak untuk menjadi pendengarnya pada awal permintaannya. .
Tapi mengenangkan kawan, saya turutkan. .
Sungguh, saya rindu Law walau yang lain sedang bermati-matian mengenainya. .
Hmmm. .
Okay, kisah sedih pulak dah. .
Takpe, saya yakin bahawa setiap yang terjadi ada hikmahnya yang tersendiri. .
Keep the faith and go on with life. .
Balik tu, lalu kat jalan utama yang ada orang glitter tu dan ada orang pegang ULAR yang sangat BESAR! ! ! !
Memang dah cuak + geli gila masa tengok ular tu. .
Wahab dok sibuk perhati orang glitter tu dan bila saya suruh dia toleh ke belakang dia terus terkejut. .
Reaksi dia sangat lawak. .
Tapi memang ular tu sangat besar. .
Tak sempat ambil gambar sebab tak dapat fikir apa dah selain tengok ular tu melainkan nak lari. .
Hihiks~ !
Dan berikut ialah gambar perjalanan yang kutempuhi tanpa kerelaan!
*resit kat Renoma. Dia suruh simpan buat kenangan*

Inilah perjalanan kami. .
Tambang balik hampir separuh dia yang bayar. .
Pakcik teksi tu macam cari keuntungan lebih. .
Haih ~
Terima kasih Wahab sebab sudi ajak aku jelajah KL ni lebih luas lagi.
Kau jelah pun yang ajar aku jalan-jalan kat sini selalunya.
Rasa bertuah sebab dapat kenal dengan kau. .
Dan dikesempatan ini, saya nak ucapkan selamat hari lahir yang ke 20 buat Naim Fital, penyakat kedua terbesar sewaktu saya di asasi. .
Walaupun dia mungkin tak baca, nak wish juga. .
Dan, do pray for East Coast in Malaysia as a warrant about STORM has been rectified by NASA. .

p/s : terniat nak tengok followers kat twitter dan ternampak bio orang yg pernah mengaku ada crush kat saya dulu couple balik dengan ex dia. Agak tension. Arrrgh! Tapi apa pun, I wish both of you happiness. I am single, young and free girl. And I'm loving it. :)

Rasanya sampai sini dahulu cerita pengalaman saya hari ini. .
Semoga anda semua menjalani hari yang indah. .
Wassalam. .~

*a simple dress from me*

Friday, 4 January 2013


Assalamualaikum and hi. .
Yeah it's new year, 2013. .
But sorry, I will not make any post about it YET as I haven't finish my final examination. .
So, it can only be call as New Year to me after I finish my final. .~^^
Okay, crap it out. .~!
I am not talking about new year or what. .
See the title up there?
Well yes, it is about shopping. .
It is fun. .
I got a paper today and went out shopping yesterday. . .
Yes, I am crazy enough. .
Well, I don't wanna miss those moment being with my new friends and roommates whom becoming my best friends now. .
And it is not a really wrong decision. .
It was awesome. . .~!!
This is us. . ~ !

The most exhausting part was when one of us keep entering "cute blouses" shop. .
That was so cute of her actually. .
Her name is Wana..
My roommate~ !
And there's some more. . . ~
*Me. Sarah. Wana. Suzana*

*Mom and her two daughters*

LOL. .
This was cute. .
The one who's standing in the middle really look like a Mom to both of them. .
What a happy family we have here. .~
And yes we are, one happy friends family. .
This picture was taken when we're at Giant and wanted to search ingredients for steamboat. .
Quite a conflicts but finally, we did it. .
Wanna know the result ?
Here it is. .~!

Yummy~ !
Awww, my stomach growling for it again. .
Not to brag on the taste, but it is good~ !
Well, it was exhausting. .
We're there since morning till night. .
Well, there's some feeling which cannot be expressed by words, so I'll keep it only inside my heart. .
In the night, I do manage to check my carry marks for today's paper and it disappoint me. .
I do feel down and wanted to cry, but I hold it back. .
I keep finishing revising though not in the mood. .
And the paper today, also make my heart broke twice for the same subject. .
I didn't think I'll score this paper, but somehow, I do pray it'll come out excellent. .~
Well, no more sad stories. .
3 papers left. .
Next paper on Tuesday. .
So I decide to give it a rest today. .
Got nothing else. .
Just, do pray for my success. . ~^^
Till then, Farewell. .~