Hi and assalamualaikum. Yeah, I know that I wrote nothing
yesterday. It was because I do nothing much. Just resting in my room for almost
the whole day. But somehow, I met someone from UM yesterday. She came late but
she already heard about me coming here all alone. HAHA!
Next is about what
happened today. I went to Nampo-dong. It’s a market where you can buy souvenirs
at affordable price. I've been there before, during the city tour. This time, I
went with Ah-Reum. And we explored more than what I did last time. Kinda regret
cause I found the same thing at cheaper price. Haish. So, what did we do today?
First, go by subway and she led me to the wrong station. HAHA! Luckily she
noticed that earlier. Then, back on the right track and went to Nampo-dong.
Kind of shocked cause the street was quite empty I can say. It’s weekend and it’s
empty. My assumption was, “maybe they go to Seoul for a better shopping.” Well,
few of my friends did go to Seoul. Why am I not going there? Simple answer. I
want to save up money. Hihi. First, we went to some clothes store and the price
is affordable, I can say. But you have to choose wisely. That’s it. Then we go
to a store called BoDa. Here is more like a stationary shop. Went here because
Ah Reum wants to buy birthday card for her friend. The shop is nice, look
elegant and price starting also at reasonable price. Feel free to visit
here.~^^ Then we went to a coffee shop. I don’t know why am I so dizzy out of
sudden at that time. Take time to rest there. After some times, we go out to the
department store cause Ah-Reum said that she wanted to buy new clothes. Well, I
just tag along. The design is really nice, I can guarantee. It’s only matters
of how long or see-through the clothes are to me. Sigh. In the end, Ah-Reum
bought nothing cause according to what she said, it’s cheaper if she just buy
it online for the same brand. Then we go to the food section cause she’s
searching something for her dinner. All I can do just controlling myself. Hew
hew. .~ Then we go out to the street after she bought her dinner. After almost
30mins of walking around the street, I finally bought some souvenirs and can
finally found “I Love Korea” t-shirt for my dad. J The prices of the t-shirts vary,
starting from 4,000KRW. And it’s finally time for filling my stomach with food.
J We
went to a self-cook tteobokki restaurant. It was nice. We add on some cheese
and ramyeon as topping. Nyum nyum~^^ It is really delicious. At first I wonder
what was the function of the pipe and it turn out to be the source of mineral
water. They have it at each table. Fascinating? J The price for the tteobokki meal of 2
with add on cost us 9,500KRW which mean it only cost each of us 4,250KRW. A
very affordable price I can say. J Finished the meal and get home
directly. It was so nice of Ah-Reum for accompanying me till the dormitory.
Though she have to like taking the subway back and forth, she willing to
accompany me. Really big thanks to you. Unnie, saranghaeyo. J Well I guess, that’s all about my
journey today~^^

*Nampo station*
*Nampo-dong street*
*BoDa store*
*Just statue along the street*
*interior design of Roasting house*
*Coffee shop; Roasting House*
*Nampo department store*
*Take this escalator to get there*
*See that water?*
*It's coming from here*
*Ah-Reum's dinner*
*mineral water*
*Wear this before you eat guys~^^*
*Sleeping? :D*
*Before we cook*
*Ah-Reum, are you cooking? O_o*
*add cheese and close it*
*some souvenirs*
[p/s: Finally made it to skype with my
family after few days they didn’t come online. I really miss Malaysia. L]
topic. Though you might see that I was enjoying my time here, I also silently
hurt. I guess that now all three of my past has finally stayed there. All three
of them get hurt. Two of them decided to back off and I pushed away the other
one. I am so sorry for what have I done. I believed that all of you will have a
nice life and get a better partner. I’m a heart-breaker but I am also
heartbroken. Call me whatever you want; selfish, cruel or even an egoistic person,
I don’t mind. Cause somehow, I admit that it is true. And I need it to keep on
living and moving on from my past. I might hurt you unintentionally or
intentionally, but I’m hurting inside too. I am so sorry. Insya-Allah, all
three of you will always be in my prayer as I will always consider you as my
friend though we’re not communicating anymore. I am so sorry. L Even come to think of it right now make my heart ache. Till then, Farewell~