Sunday, 25 March 2012

Singapore Friend . .

Okay. .
Actually, this is a reply post for one of my closest friend . .
Here is his blog . .
He said that he was inspired by my latest entry before this so he post this entry in his blog. .
He tell me that he just post something in his blog and got p/s :"don't angry"
Haish~ !
That words make me tempted to read his post. .
So, I was turning on my laptop event I just shut it down. .
At a very first sight, I can already see my name, I'm touched. .
Seriously. .
Then I continue my reading till he say, " and last "
I was like half screaming at that time cause he put my picture also. .
And I was embarrassed and blushing also. .
That picture. .
Sigh. .
I know you'll laugh if you see that picture also. .
So, this is my first reply entry. .
I rarely post a picture of a guy in personal . .
But this time, I'll put it together to show how I appreciate him as he appreciated me. . .
So, this is him. .
One of my besties among the guys. .
**Chubby Boy**

Key, thanks again for that post. .
This time I write in English, so you don't need your Mom to translate it for you right ?
If you keep calling me "Chubby Girl" . . . .
Then you're a "Chubby Boy" . .
Well, I shall stop here and continue my study guys. .
Tomorrow is the last paper. .
So, pray for my success okay ?
Till then, Farewell. . .


  1. Thx so much XD !!, But OMG Why this pic~??????
    Oh no????
    I still not bath on tht pic ><~!

    1. Welcome. .
      HAHA~ !
      Padan muka lo..~
      Revenge from me, plus u look chubby in this pic. .

    2. Speechlesss ~~` ==""

      邪恶 :P

    3. Oooh. .
      U said I jahat meyh. . ?
