Monday, 31 December 2012


Assalamualaikum dan hai untuk semua pembaca. . ~^^
Tengok tajuk entri ni, wah, macam serius je kan. .
Tak ada apa sangat pun sebenarnya. .
Hanya saya seorang manusia biasa yang ingin melampiaskan pandangan saya mengenai dua isu ini di dalam blog saya. .
Bila berbicara mengenai dua perkara ini, apa perbezaan yang dapat anda semua fikirkan. . ?
Banyak bukan ?
Tapi bukan perbezaan yang ingin saya ketengahkan di sini. .
Ada satu persamaan di antara keduanya, - Rumah Agama / Tempat Beribadat.
Satu bagi yang beragama Kristian dan yang satu lagi bagi yang beragama Islam. .
Saya akui saya punyai ramai kawan berbangsa Cina, juga beragama Kristian sejak masuk program Ijazah ni. .
Jujur saya katakan, saya kagum dengan kecintaan mereka terhadap agama mereka. .
Saya tabik mereka. .
Remaja seperti saya, tapi sangat menitikberatkan soal agamanya. .
Ada sahaja aktiviti di gereja yang perlu mereka sertai. .
Kadang-kadang saya rasa malu dengan diri sendiri dan persoalkan diri sendiri. .
Bila saya nak jadi seperti mereka dan mengimarahkan surau ataupun masjid berdekatan. .?
Melihatkan juga anak-anak muda remaja lain yang juga leka dengan duniawi, termasuklah saya sendiri. .
Memang ada golongan yang mengimarahkan surau dan masjid, tapi hanya segelintir sahaja. .
Baru sahaja tadi, selesai makan malam, saya dan rakan-rakan lalu di hadapan sebuah surau. .
"Bila aku nak solat kat surau ni secara berjemaah kan?" / "Sila lah pergi sekarang. ."
Sentap juga dengan ayat tu. .
Tapi betul, saya harus mulakannya dari sekarang, sepatutnya. .
Tapi apa yang saya lakukan?
Hanya meneruskan langkah menuju ke bilik dan bermain dengan kucing yang saya temui di pertengahan jalan. .
Melihat segolongan remaja lelaki melangkah ke surau berkenaan, "Ya Allah, sejuknya hati tengok mereka ni.."
Bilakah agaknya masjid mampu menarik minat ramai golongan remaja seperti saya untuk menyemarakkannya?
Rasanya, dah bermacam cara dibuat, tapi tak tahulah kan. .?
Rasanya, sebelum mengimarahkan masjid atau surau, kita harus imarahkan diri sendiri dulu dengan perintah-perintah Allah. .
Mungkin dengan cara tu hati kita terbuka nak melangkah ke rumah Allah dengan lebih kerap. .
Insya-Allah. .
Sampai sini dahulu coretan pandangan saya. .
Maafkan saya andai tersalah kata dan mengguris hati mana-mana pihak. .
Wassalam. . ~^^

2012~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~2013

Hi and Assalamualaikum. .
31 December 2012 . .
Today's date, and yeah, it is the end of 2012. .
2012, has taught me a lot of thing. . .
Sweet, sour, sadness, joy, being betrayed. . .
I tasted all of it in this one year period. .
When going through it, I admit that I respond negatively to some of it. .
But now that I can see and re-think about it, I thank Allah for giving me the hardship. .
Without it, I might be at the same place as last year. .
Alhamdulillah. .
Also in this year, I can actually say that I went through a really big test from Him . .
I didn't get to do what I want, plus, I have to be all an independent girl just so sudden. .
I didn't manage to further my study in law. .
Hard to accept at the first few months, but Alhamdulillah, now, I'm getting better. .
And about being independent. .
Just in case you didn't know, I register myself for degree with only my sister. .
Yes, without my parents. .
Back then, I was too childish that I blame my Dad for that. .
But now I realize, Dad do it because he have to work and earn money for us. .
I am so wrong. .
I am sorry Dad. .
So now, I can go register for myself if I had to. .
But please, I hope I DON'T have to . .
Being in a place we never wanted to go or to be in will cause a lot of trouble to us, which actually just our own attitude to make it in that way. .
I go through hardship during the orientation period as my room was flooded with the water, got room without a bed and bla bla bla. .~
Thinking about it now only made me laugh .
The only thing I can say is Alhamdulillah. .
If it doesn't happen, I won't be like this now. .
Suddenly I think of something. .
Is it wrong to feel jealous whenever I see someone who are Muslimah than me. .?
They make me want to be like them. .
I want to be the best muslimah of Allah. .
Is it wrong to feel that way ?
Hmmm, just wondering. .
Cause somehow, it make me feel like want to compete to seek for Allah forgiveness and bless. .
So now, it's the end of 2012 guys. . ~^^
2013 is reaching near. .
Plan your future, do it right and seek for Allah bless. .
I didn't put too much hope in this upcoming new year. .
Let me the only one who know what I wish for and may Allah give His permission to me to do it right. .
I just finish answer my Bahasa Melayu Tinggi paper just now. .
Alhamdulillah it was okay. .
I can say it is in a medium level. .
Striving for the next 5 papers after this. .
Do pray for my success. .
And as for you my friends, "As long as you're my friends, my prays will always be with you." - (SS,2012)
Wishing all of you Happy New Year. .
May all of us be a better person in the future. .
Till then, Farewell. .~
*I can see a bright future for me everywhere. Insya-Allah*

Thursday, 27 December 2012

Alhamdulillah. . Sayang Atok!

Assalamualaikum dan hai semua. .
Alhamdulillah, saya dah sampai di UPM. .
Jadi sekarang, saya nak cerita kisah perjalanan menuju ke UPM. .
Cewahh ! !
Macam lah baru pertama kali datang kan?
Hihi. . ~
Tapi, apa yang bakal saya ceritakan sebentar nanti sememangnya pengalaman pertama buat saya. .
Bas kalau mengikut jadual dala tiket sepatutnya bertolak jam 11.30 . .
Ayah tiada di rumah, begitu juga angah. .
Ibu pun buntu mencari jalan macam mana nak menghantar saya ke stesen bas. .
Sejujurnya, ibu saya tidak mempunyai lesen kenderaan. .
Kebetulan, semalam saya ke rumah atok untuk menghantar pengat durian yang ibu buat. .
Sambil-sambil tu, ibu tanya atok, boleh tak tolong hantarkan saya. .
Atok setuju. .
Sepanjang perjalanan saya terfikir macam mana lah kalau atok yang hantar nanti. .
Pagi tadi, kira-kira jam 8 pagi atok sudah sampai di rumah. .
Ketika itu saya masih lena di atas katil yang empuk. .
"Awalnya. . " kata hati saya. .
Tak lama kemudian, kedengaran enjin motor atok melangkah keluar dari perkarangan rumah. .
Tak lama selepas itu baru saya bingkas bangun. .
Adik-adik sibuk bercerita pada saya mengatakan atok kelihatan lain, amat segak. .
Dalam hati, "berianya atok ni. Sayang cucu terlebih ni. ."
Saya senang mendengar perkhabaran berita itu. .
Seperti yang dijanjikan, atok datang tepat jam 10. .
Saya masih terkial-kial nak mengenakan tudung. .
Waktu tu, hujan renyai-renyai membasahi bumi Kluang. .
Atok ku lihat risah dan sedikit resah. .
Hanya menaiki Honda Ex5 lama kepunyaan atok, kami berangkat ke stesen bas. .
Perjalanan yang selalunya memakan masa hanya 10minit atok jadikan 30 minit. .
Biarlah. . . .
Tak lama selepas itu, kami tiba di satu persimpangan jalan. .
Seingat saya, di situ lah tempat berlakunya kemalangan atok dengan nenek dulu. .
"Apa yang atok fikirkan saat berada di situ?" "Atok terkenangkan nenek ke?"
Saya harap atok bersabar. .
Sejujurnya saya tak begitu rapat dengan atok. .
Tapi sejak pemergian nenek, ayah desak agar saya sentiasa menjenguk atok setiap kali pulang. .
Saya faham perasaan ayah. .
Dia tak mahu hal yang sama berulang kembali. .
Bahkan, saya juga takkan membiarkannya berulang. .
Atok! Along sayang atok. .
Atok saya panggil saya Kalong, saya pun tak tahu kenapa. .
Hihi. .
Habis cerita pasal atok, sambung pasal dalam bas pulak. .
Boleh saya katakan, pemandu ni sangat tak mesra. .
Tak suka lah macam ni. .
Dia bawak anak-anak dia dan kebetulan saya duduk kat belakang tempat duduk anak-anak dia. .
Terseksa jiwa raga batin semua! !
Tengok ni!

Nampak tak betapa dekatnya kerusi tu dengan tempat saya ?
Mak dia ada je kat situ, tapi biar kan je. .
Haih, mana hilangnya sifat toleransi mak cik oi. . ?
Memang tak sabar sangat nak keluar dari bas tu. .
Saya memang suka budak-budak, tapi bukan yang jenis macam ini. .
Maafkan saya. .
Rasanya sampai sini dulu. .
Rasa nak belajar dah datang. .
Wassalam. .~

*di stesen bas*

*sampai di bilik*

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

It's Study Week time. . ~ !

Assalamualaikum and hi to all my dearest friends. . ~^^
Happy ?
Well, yes I am. .
Currently at home with my beloved family. .
That's why no stress are able to enter my mind even for a second. . !
And yeah, it is study week for student like me actually. .
But what I did was only spending my precious time with le family. .
Awww, how can I study when I am here with all the things I like and no stress?
Seriously, I don't really feel like in an exam mode. .
I'm dead!
That's why I insisted to go back as early as I can. .
But, man. . !
My dad ask me to stay longer. .
Should be until this Friday, but sorry. .
I can only stay until Thursday. .
It's not that I don't want to stay longer. .
It was just, if I stay longer, I'm afraid I didn't study at all. .
Sorry mom, dad. .
Understand me please. . ?
Hew hew. .~
Yesterday, I do study a little. .
But yes, just a little. .
I only manage to stay awake until 12. .
Oh why. . ?
I usually stay awake until dawn. .
Hmmm, might be cause of the environment over here. .
Sigh. . ~
So now, I want to talk about last Tuesday. .
It's hang out memory with le friends from high school. .
Thou sometimes I don't feel like belong to them. .
But they do know me well. .
And always there, just in case. .
mmmmm, yeah. .
So, here is us!

Miss them, love them. . <3
Hope that we can stay as besties forever !
After that, we have our usual hangout activity, bowling !
And yeah~ !
We played two games, and I am the champion for overall match. .
My skill getting better maybe. .
Oh yea, today is 26th isn't it. . ?
Happy birthday to one of my best friends, ABDUL WAHAB JUMRAH. .
It'd been a year ++ huh ?
Nice to know someone like you thou you can be so annoying sometimes. .
Okay now, back to my entry. .
I guess that's it. .
And yeah, I achieved my "ideal" weight again. .
Yeay me!
Only if you know what ideal really mean to me. .
Okay, that's it dear. .
Do wish me luck for my final exam. .
I really hope I can do well. .
Till then, Farewell. . ~

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Alone . .

Hi and assalamualaikum all. .
December reaching to the end, means, my final exam is approaching near. .!
Wow. .!
And I prepared nothing yet as for me, I need to get those assignment done first, and only then I will be able to think straight and focus on my study. .
Okay, back to topic. .
Exam was not really the main thing for this entry. .
So okay, alone. .
Yes !
I was alone yesterday. . .
Alone only physically cause inside, I don't feel alone at all. .
I was watching movie alone, eating all alone, walking alone and even shopping alone. .!
But it is not a big problem for me. .
I guess, I should pay myself for all the hard work I done in the past few days. .
And yes, PAID!
I know I was kinda late for this thing but who cares ?
As soon as I entered the hall, ouh!
The smell of books. .
Me love it. .!
When I found a book that really caught my intention, I would forget the rest. . .
Hew. .!
I am not a bookworm, but I do love books. .
Well, though people call you a weirdo or what cause you're shopping alone, just ignore it.
Do what do you need to do though you're alone. .
That's it and you can do everything. .
*all of this cost me less than RM70*

*see that super bonus thing? I don't know what to do with it*

Talking bout that super bonus thing, I don't know what are their attention for real. .
That wasn't the first time for me to get the most expensive bonus. .
I don't know whether they had it planned or just a coincidence. .
But well, I never believe in those..
Hew hew. .~
Enough about yesterday, let's move on to today. .
At 3PM later, I have to be an emcee. .
This is really my very first time. .
Kinda nervous but this sounds fun to me. .
So, I'll just take it. .
Who know that I am really talented for this kind of thing, right?

"Guys don't really concern on when to get married as they will still look younger than their real age."
This statement pop up on my mind. .
Put the blame on my foundation lecturer who told me to only get married after finish his PhD. .
He is a nice lecturer, I can say, a lovely brother and a wise man. .
Sir, I praise you without I notice it!
But you deserve it. .
No idea left.
So, better off for now. .
Till then, Farewell. .~

Saturday, 15 December 2012

Stress dan Tekanan !

Assalamualaikum dan hai semua. . ~
Hew~ !
Agak lama jugak tak update blog ni. .
Dan, bapak ahh !
Saya sangat tension hari ni. .
Stress, tekanan apa semua la. .
Sampai update status kata stress is my middle name. .
Nampak tak tahap apa stress saya saat tu. .
Memang, kita kena belajar cara kawal stress ni. .
Tapi akan sampai satu masa gunung berapi meletus !
Terkejut roommate saya bila-bila saya tendang dinding. .
Actually, benda tu tak di sengajakan. .
Dan kebetulan tengah stress masa tu, saya abaikan reaksi dia, saya terus tidur !
Kalau saya marah, stress ke apa, saya lebih suka diam. .
Sebabnya, saya takut ada yang makan hati bila kena marah dengan saya. .
Honestly, saya tak suka nak marah-marah ni, tapi kalau dah terlepas memang habislah. .
Sebenarnya, stress saya ni adalah disebabkan oleh assignment yang berlambak dan tekanan daripada team mate~ ! ! ! !
Saya sangat stress dengan yang sorang dan dua orang tu! ! !

Memang stress gila bak hang !
Saya tahu lah bila saya kena siapkan assignment tu. .
Saya tahu tugas saya. .
Saya bukan ada alzheimer yang dia nak kena ingatkan setiap masa. .
Memang lah, tolonglah jangan bagi saya terlepas cakap dengan dia. .
Hilang terus semua perwatakan ceria saya tu nanti kang. .!
Hew. .~ !
Lega pun dah lepas kan kat blog tercinta ni. .
Petang tadi saya chat dengan ibu saya kat FB. .
So sweet. .~
hihi. .
Tak berani nak beritahu Ibu yang saya tengah tension, nanti ibu risau. .
Tadi pulak, ada bbq party as well as surprise birthday party .
Habis muka kena kek. .
Gatal sampai sekarang walaupun dah mandi. .

At least, benda ni mengurangkan tahap tekanan saya tu. .
Hummm. .
so, dah puas berceloteh kat sini. .
Jom tidur ?
Wassalam. .~

Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Rindu awak! >_<"

Hai dan assalamualaikum semua. .
Akhirnya, saya dapat mengemaskini blog ini..
Saya Rindu Awak wahai blog tercinta! ! !
Ada banyak sangat cerita nak kongsi dekat sini, sampai dah lupa nak cerita yang mana. .
Ok, mungkin patut mula dengan debat bi hari tu. .
Bertarikh 7 Disember 2012, pagi tu tiba-tiba dapat mesej dari seorang akak senior suruh masuk debat bi untuk malam tu. .
APA ? ? ? ? ?
Memang terkejut sangat tapi saya terima jugak cabaran tu. .
Malam tu sangat lah dup dap dup dap. .
Saya dipilih untuk jadi Second Speaker dapi pihak pencadang . .
Ni debat BI. .
Akak tu cadangkan saya masuk debat ni semata-mata kerana dia pernah dengar saya cakap bi dengan ok.
Mungkin ini caranya Allah tunjukkan jalan kat saya, ceburi bidang yang saya minat. .
Saya bercakap agak laju malam tu, tapi mereka kata saya ok!
Sangat puas hati sebab walaupun tak ada persediaan, saya dapat buat semampu saya. .
Walaupun kalah, tapi masih lagi berpuas hati. .
Dan terasa macam nak teruskan je jadi pendebat ni. .
Hihi~ !
Tak lama lepas tu, hari Sabtu masa kelas BAKSIS, tiba-tiba je fasi tu panggil saya suruh jadi salah seorang presenter untuk projek mega. .
Oh cuaknya!
Tapi tetap, saya akan cuba untuk buat yang terbaik. .
Dan tak lama lepas tu lagi, dapat tawaran jadi MC untuk satu majlis di fakulti. .
Oh! Ini pun salah satu impian kot. .
Entah lah, tak tahu nak cakap apa, hanya bersyukur. .
Satu-satu jalan Allah tunjukkan kat saya, agar saya dapat mengejar impian saya. .
Hihi~ !
Alhamdulillah. .
Saya harap saya akan dapat terus perform. .
Dan ahad lepas. .
Saya berjumpa dengan seseorang; kawan. .
Dan ya, dia lelaki. .
Nampak pendek, sekali real, tinggi weh. . ~
Dia kata baru 170++ . .
Dia sangat kelakar, manja dan macam budak-budak walaupun dia dah lagi tua dari saya. .
Tapi, itulah pengalaman. .
Main bowling dengan dia, saya menang satu mata!

Ini je gambar kenangan kami. .
Tiba-tiba je, kami jadi semakin rapat. .
Dan dia menjadi semakin pelik terhadap saya. .
Haih, harap semua tu hanya sementara. .
Tamo keliru lagi dah. .
Konklusi di sini, meski Disember yang lepas membawa 1001 kepahitan dalam hidup saya. . .
Alhamdulillah, Disember kali ini membawa 1001 kemanisan hidup dalam hidup saya. .
Saya bersyukur dengan apa yang saya ada. .
Jadi, nak kongsi gambar-gambar saya pulak. .
Akhir-akhit ni, suka ambil gambar takde ekspresi. .
Hihi~ !

Itu sahaja dari saya. .
Sampai jumpa lagi. .
Wassalam. .~

Tuesday, 4 December 2012

A Mess of December Misery~ !

Hi and assalamualaikum. .
Seriously, I am in need of updating something. .
Feel the needs of writing. .
Cause I was too stress and in such a big mess!
And it's December again. .
That most wanted to get rid of things in my vocabulary and dictionary of life thingy . .~ !
But then I start to re-think. .
If those thing didn't happened to me before, I might be as playful as before. .
Thanks to him for giving me those big scars on my heart an a major turn point of my life. .
And remembering those thing I did back then, it really do make me think about something thoroughly. .
Guys, boys, men or anything you would classified them into. .
These time around, they keep giving me headache which led to confusion !
Before he said he was joking, and now he's saying he's not. .
Blerggh~ !
Crap it out!
Tired of thinking those thing . .
This time, I do only focus on my studies. .
I want to get first class degree and free from ptptn loan. .
Instead of taking JPA for second sem, where can I get so much money to pay PTPTN back in a short time. .
Just better perform well. .
And I do believe in myself this time. .
And what I so stress about this month are about my tests results and assignments and a test for broadcasting major just now! ! !
STRESS! ! ! !
And last night, I was stress cause I couldn't make it to see my friends' theater. .
So sad. .
Like seriously. .~ !
About our tests result which will be uploaded this week around I guess. .
Cause only then I can determine what grade I'll be aiming for. .
And my Mom also my aunt keep nagging telling me that I shouldn't be active enough. .
More focus on your studies. .
Mom, don't you believe in me. . ?
Without other activities, I'm bored to DEATH !
Arghh !
Even writing this up also make me stress cause I have to remember all things which make me so tension !
Okay, enough about stress. .
Move to slightly entertainment thingy, maybe. .
First, after we're done with our drama presentation, people start recognize me. .
So embarrassed !
And then I saw that one guy which I guess I pissed him off, and today, he's smiling to me. .
He's not mad anymore, I guess.  .~
Then about my kenegaraan lecturer. .
She called me "fun fair" . .
Do you want to know why ?
Cause at that time when it comes to my group presentation, I was soooo damn talkative as a moderator in a lively mode. .
That's why she remembered me as "fun fair" . .
I'm laughing myself when thinking of this too. .
And so now, I'm surfing 9gag while listening to some musics to reduce it even more. .
And that's all I got for today. .
Till then, Farewell~
*future thought looks like*