Thursday 26 July 2012

An Iftar With Family . . .~

Alhamdulillah. .
We're now reaching the 5th day of fasting. .
Alhamdulillah. .
Hope we can reach it to the end too, insya-Allah . .
And today is the first time for me, iftar with my family for this Ramadhan. .
So, still happy with it and Alhamdulillah again. .
And today, my family got new pets. . .~ !
And it was a couple of rabbit  ~ !
And here it is. .

The black and white one is Camie and the brown one is Jeremy. .
Well, those name were given by my sister. .
I have no idea where did she got those name. .
Anyway, it's a lovely name for me. .^^
And Camie is pregnant right now ~ !
So, now i want to drag about my personal life . .
Sigh . .
Firstly, about my workplace. .
Yeah, I do enjoy working there. .
Nevertheless, I have to quit cause I need to continue my study. .
And this is the problem . . !
The problem is, how am I gonna tell it to the boss that I'm quitting ?
Sigh sigh sigh. .
I guess I'm quitting a week before Aidilfitri . .
Cause I want to experience those kind of stuffs like baking kuih raya, painting the house and etc. .
I hope I will have those guts to in telling that I'm quitting around this week. . .
And so, forget the tension for now. . .
And here are some picture of me and one of my friends at the work place. .
We took it when we have nothing to do. .

Any comments regarding our pictures. . ?
Do comment or keep it yourself . .
LOL . .
So right now I'm downloading some good musics to me cause I felt so boring !
And also because I am in a dilemma . .
Did he take it for real ?
Dude !
I already told him that this is not a true one, . .
This is a fake one !
But he treating me like this is real. .
If he really thought so, ouh man, I'm dead !
And now, I am afraid of approving friend request on my facebook. . .
Cause they might be a stalker. .
I have to see who are the mutual friends between us first before I approve him or her. .
Sorry for that. . .
I think that's enough for now. .
Till then, Farewell. . ~

Sunday 22 July 2012

Pertama Puasa ~ ~ ~

Hew hew. .
Assalamualaikum semua. .
First of all, alhamdulillah sebab dapat puasa di hari pertama puasa ni. . .
Then, here we go about the whole story. .
Inilah pertama kali saya berbuka di tempat kerja. . . .~ !
Sebelum ni tak pernah babe !
Yang pernah pun buka sengsorang dalam bilik dekat kolej dulu . .
Okay sedih . .
Dah lah kerja kat kedai makan, bayangkanlah !
Mencabar tak mencabar lah kan keimanan di dada ni yang sedang menahan diri dari lapar dan dahaga. .
Cewahh !
But seriously, at first, tak rasa mencabar langsung. .
Yang mencabarnya time nak buka tu. .
Adoiyai ~ ! ! !
Time ni jugak lah nak ramai orang, nak demand bagai. .
Dah siap menghadap juadah ni, dah baca doa buka puasa lagi, then !
Daang ~ !
They're coming, the customers. . .~ !
Makan jadi tergendala, terkocoh kacah . .
Dengan nak kejar solat maghrib nya lagi. . .
Haih. . ~ ~ ~
Tapi bagus tadi, ada jugak yang memahami. .
Tapi satu customer je pun lah. .
Yang lain ?
Hampeh !
Tapi tadi lawak lah. . .
Kedai yang happening. .
They always made me wear my smile. . .
Tadi kan first puasa, so tak sempat lah nak bawak bekal dari rumah. . .
So, petang tu pergilah bazar beli makanan . .
Tengah-tengah beli my mom called . .
She told me that she gonna sent some food to me, no need to buy. .
Ouch !
So sweet.  . ~
Sumpah terharu . . !
So tadi beli ayam masak merah seketul, *RM3.50 , mahal kot ! >_<* dengan popia and nasi kosong. .
Nak tahu apa my Mom hantar ?
Nasi dengan sambal goreng and kari ayam !
Yummy ! !
Dan for sure lah makan yang my mom bawakan. . .
Yang beli tu bungkus bawak balik rumah. .
Sampai sekarang ni haa ada lagi. .
Jap lagi jamah kot . .
Okay, dah penat menceritakan apa yang terjadi hari ni, so saya nak beralih ke cerita dua ke tiga hari yang lepas. . . .
Rabu yang lepas, kami seisi pekerja tako hut sempat mendaki Gunung Lambak bersama. .
Jyeahhh ~ !
Walaupun dah lama tak mendaki ni, but I'm not that bad okay. .
Cuma pagi tu saya mendaki tanpa mengalas perut dengan sedikit makanan pun. .
Dan itu menyebabkan saya rasa sangat pening and nak muntah je. .
Dan setelah selesai mendaki, sarapan kami ditanggung oleh seseorang. .
Thanks to him. .
*Takut nak post pic dia kat sini sebab dia tak suka bergambar sangat*
Dan , inilah antara pic yang kami ambil. .

Okay, tak nak upload banyak-banyak sangat lah. .
Apa-apa pun, they do enlighten my day. . .
Thanks korang !
Ain sayang korang. . 
Okay lah, sampai jumpa lagi dan selamat berpuasa semua ~ !

Friday 13 July 2012

Oh UPU . . . ~ ~ ~

Assalamualaikum dan selamat sejahtera. .
Yup, kali ni saya nak berbicara soal UPU . . .
Keputusan UPU pun baru je keluar pagi tadi. . .
Memang teringin sangat nak tahu. .
Cek-cek twitter kawan semua sedang bergembira. .
Hati berdetik, 'Eh ! Dah boleh cek ke ?'
Lepas tu, cuba lah cek guna sms. . .
Dapat balasan, ' Tahniah, anda berjaya ditawarkan program PA02 . '
Dalam hati dah gembira sebab tahu saya masih boleh sambung degree. . .
Tapi tertanya-tanya tu program apa. .
Tweet lah kod program tanya kat kengkawan. .
Tup tup abang long jawab, ' UPM - Bachelor Komunikasi '
Perasaan waktu tu, hanya Allah je lah yang tahu . .
Sedih ?
Usah dibicarakan. . . .
Rasa yang saya dah menghampakan sangat-sangat kedua-dua ibu bapa saya. . .
Dah lah masa ni tengah menunggu nak masuk kerja. . .
Rasa tak percaya dengan keputusan ni, pinjam fon kawan nak cek lagi sekali. .
Dah terang depan mata pun rasa tak nak percaya lagi. . .
Air mata hampir je menitis waktu tu. . .
Semangat semua dah hilang entah ke mana. . .
Sempat saya persoalkan, 'mengapa ini yang saya terima ?'
Tapi dulu saya jugak yang dah janji dengan Allah, walau apa pun keputusannya, saya akan terima dengan redha. .
Tak lama lepas tu, saya call ibu. . .
Cara ibu bercakap tenang je, and still ucapkan tahniah dekat anak dia yang tidak membanggakan ni. . .
Lagi sayu kot bila ibu buat macam tu. .
Tapi sememang nya, ibu sangat memahami !
Tapi ayah, mesti dia kecewa. . .
Tadi balik je kerja ayah suruh buat rayuan masuk UiTM semula. .
Kalau boleh, saya pun nak UiTM lagi. . .
Tapi apakan daya. . .
Dari kecik saya tak pernah sekelas or terlalu bergaul dengan Cina dan India. .
Bayangkan lah di UPM nanti. . .
Macam mana nak sesuaikan diri ni. ? ? ?
Tapi saya tetap je tanamkan dalam kepala otak ni, semua yang jadi ni mesti ada hikmah. .
So I need to be strong !
Mungkin ini yang terbaik untuk saya. .
Allah lebih mengetahui segala-galanya. . .
Dalam sedih-sedih macam ni, masih ada yang sudi menggembirakan hati yang lara ni. .
Thanks to kawan-kawan kat tempat kerja yang dah buat saya gelak like hell and friends kat twitter. . .
Semua dah kata saya artist-to-be pulak dah !
Dah hilang perkataan lawyer tu, sedikit demi sedikit. .
Actually, bila dapat keputusan ni, saya rasa macam pandangan saya terhadap masa depan terus gelap .
Tak nampak apa dah !
Kalau tak dulu, boleh lah berangan dalam lima tahun lagi kerja dengan mana-mana firma ke. .
Tapi . . . . . .
Saya cuba untuk tak mengeluh, tapi saya manusia biasa. .
Kebanyakan apa yang saya harapkan tak dimakbulkan. .
Tapi kenapa ?
Mungkin belum saatnya lagi . .
Mungkin Allah nak bagi saya sesuatu yang lebih hebat di masa akan datang. .
Saya selalu percaya dengan kata-kata tu. .
Saya yakin dengan Allah. . .
Lagipun, saya ni hamba yang hina, tak cukup banyak lagi amal. .
Mungkin sebab tu Allah tak nak makbulkan dulu permintaan saya. .
Think positive. .
Dan kepada kawan saya yang sedih-sedih macam saya tu, I can only say, be strong. .
Everything happened for a reason. .
Mungkin awak nak kata ' senanglah cakap. Bukan kau kat tempat aku . '
But actually, situasi kita sama.  .
Saya sentiasa doakan yang terbaik untuk kawan-kawan saya. .
So, apa-apa pun yang korang buat, doa saya sentiasa mengiringi anda. . .
Dan tak lupa juga, tahniah kepada semua kawan-kawan yang berjaya dapat course yang diidamkan. .
I'm happy for you. .
Okay, dah habis mood nak menaip. .
Apa-apa pun saya bersyukur, dan terima seadanya. .
Alhamdulillah. .
Allah tak akan uji hambaNya dengan sesuatu yang hambaNya tak mampu tanggung kan ?
Jadi, sampai di sini dahulu. . .
Sampai jumpa lagi. . .
Wasalam. . ~ ~ ~

Thursday 12 July 2012

A Little Joy of Happiness. . .

Assalamualaikum and hi to all my lovely readers . . .
How are you today ?
I wish you are in a good condition and in the best state of health ~ !
Today. . . . .
Yeah, today is my off day from work and means it's dating time with my lovely mother. . .
I always date her whenever I have free time cause as for me, when will I if not now. . ?
Isn't it true ?
So just now we're shopping stuff together. . .
I get some presents for two of my six sisters as they didn't get their birthday present yet. .
And also for my lovely Dad. .
Their birthday is on May and June. .
And I only have the time just now, on July to bought a present for each of them. .
For me, it is only a little gift from me. . .
But seeing their smile when they received the gift, it do made me happy as well. . .
Moreover when it comes to my Dad. .
When he smiles and say thanks, I feel like flying in the air right away. . .
You know why ?
Because my dad hardly want to received a gift from me as he think it will burden me. .
Sigh . . .
Dad's thought make me dizzy ~ !
However, I'm still in a good mood. . .
You know what ?
I get something for myself too ~ !
This !

And yet, still cannot finish it till this moment !
Want some ?

See, I can still snap a pic. .
Yeah, I do love snapping or taking pictures. . ~ ^^
And now, I want to touch about my friends on facebook, twitter or wherever it is as long as it is in the internet world. .
In this kind of life, I befriends with everyone . .
And yes, EVERYONE ! ! !
I become friend with Indonesian, Nigerian, and all people around the world. .
You want to judge me because of this ?
Go ahead. .
It effects nothing on my life. .
Cause I know my own limit on what should I do and what I shouldn't do. .
But if you do something that hurt my feeling, you will never be my friends in any life ~ !
So, take note. . .
Don't judge me based on whom I befriend with. .
But if you keep judging me, you won't know the real me. . .
You will always see me as what you have judge me. . .
So, I am done with those comments I always got from people around me when there is some "stranger" comments on my status . .
I am tired of explaining, so, I will just let it go . .
So now, showing you some of my recent pictures. . ~ !

* Let's eat*


*with another worker*

So, that's all from me . . 
Till then, Farewell. . ~ ~ ~

Saturday 7 July 2012

Hurt Inside. . .~ !

Today. . .
I'm hurting inside, alone . . . .
From early in the morning till now in the night. .
It's hurting me. . .  . ~!
First, about my dad . .
I don't know why until this moment, he still can't understand what I really mean . .
We're definitely not on the same line when we're talking about something. .
And he said that I am selfish ? ? ?
Why did you judge me just like that without knowing my real plan ?
I want to light up your burden upon me, but you have another thought about it when we talk over this matter. .
Oh Dad, why can't we even be in the same opinion for at least once ?
But as a daughter, I can do nothing. .
Fine, I'll do what you say, obey your order. .
But it just a cruel statement when you said that I'm a selfish daughter to my parents and selfish sister to my siblings. .
It is so damn cruel to me ! ! ! ! ! !
And that made me cry this morning. . .
The first reason to start my bad day. . .
Then, getting late to work because of meeting these guys. .
But actually, all of us are late. .

*There is one other guy who's taking this picture*

But luckily, we didn't get scolded by the boss. . 
But then, in the evening. . 
Everything seems going wrong. .
Everything I do must be followed by a mistake. .
Then later, I can say that it is a humiliation upon me. . .
Making joke and fun of me ?
Did you ever had it enough ?
We only knew each other for not more that a month, did you notice that ?
Just please, do consider other's feeling when you're talking. .
My facebook my status. . .
What is it so concerning your business. . ?
Don't like it, you are welcome to unfriend me, even block me from your friend list. .
I will never stop you from doing so. . .
You expect me to be as cool as usual when you don't even say you're sorry for that ?
Understand how it feel there, inside my heart. .
And this was the second reason to make me cry. . .
Actually, I was crying all day long. . .
There are too much things I keep for only myself. .
And I don't know why it burst out today. . .
Never mind, at least I let it out here. .
And thanks to one of my friends who always being there whenever I need someone. .
Thanks to him. . .
Okay, enough till here. .
Till then, Farewell. . ~

Sunday 1 July 2012

Sebak. . ~ !

Pagi ni tak seperti pagi yang selalu. .
Kenapa ?
Sebab pagi ni saya tak dengar suara ibu yang memanggil saya, mengejut saya dari tidur. .
Tiba-tiba dengar suara garau Si Ayah. .
Lantas terbangun tanpa berlengah. .
Bingkas ke bilik air. .
Terlihat ibu terbaring di atas katil saat saya ingin masuk ke bilik air. .
"Ibu demamku ? "
Hatiku berdetak. .
Dibiarkan soalan tu sehingga saya selesai mandi dan bersiap. .
Kemudian panggil salah seorang adik saya, bertanya perihal ibu. .
Adik kata ibu sesak nafas. .
Panggil lagi sorang, jawapan dia lagi terbaik. .
Entah, tak tahu. .
Tersempat mendengar perbualan antara ibu dan ayah. .
Saya mengesyaki sesuatu, tapi saya diamkan. .
Sebelum berangkat ke tempat kerja, jumpa ibu. .
Salam ibu, tanya ibu kenapa. .
Ibu tipu cakap ibu okay. .
Lepas tu ibu tarik muka saya, cium pipi saya . .
Saya balas ciuman ibu dan ibu tarik saya dalam pelukan ibu. .
Pelukan ibu erat. .
Hampir je menitis air mata saat itu. .
Terfikir mungkinkah. . . ?
Saya betul-betul berharap bukan sekarang. .
Banyak lagi yang belum saya tunaikan pada ibu. .
Sedih atas pemergian nenek pun tak habis lagi. . .
Pergi kerja dengan sedikit berat hati. .
Hari ini hari yang amat sibuk !
Haih. .
Julai pun dah masuk. .
Bermakna, tak lama lagi puasa. . .
Alhamdulillah, tadi masa saya balik tengok ibu kat ruang tamu tengah tengok tv dengan yang lain. .
Gembira .
Seperti yang saya perkatakan, Julai dah masuk. .
Bermakna, lagi dua minggu keputusan UPU akan keluar. .
Harap sangat dapat sambung Law semula. .
Ya Allah, tolonglah tunaikan hajat hambamu ini. .
Tapi jika lain kehendakMu, hambaMu ini hanya mampu menurut. .
Sekian, sampai di sini sahaja. .
Wassalam. . ~