Monday 5 September 2011

i don't know. .

I don't know what exactly happening in my mind now. .
I am studying just now, but my mind for sudden remember something in the past. .
I myself don't know why. .
Maybe because someone had just been asked to watch my words because it might hurt the feeling of people around me. .
I don't know. .
I just say it as a joke, but he maybe can't take it or it might seem too harsh for him. .
I already said sorry to him, and he said never mind. .
But my hearts keep telling me that he actually still hurt by my words. .
Thinking about that make me feel uneasy and can't focus well in doing my revision. .
I don't know what I should do now. .
And I suddenly had a fever today. .
That make my mind messier. .
I just thought of something that I would do in order to watch my words. .
I want to be a passive girl. .
Do you guys think its a wise decision. .
I think my entry this time end here. .
Dadaa. . !
We shall meet again later. .

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